Maian Music Changelog ( [+] Added [*] Updated/Removed [-] Bug Fix/Security Advisory Version 4.0 (01 Feb 2025): ----------------------------------- [+] Added support for AddToAny ( social sharing platform [+] Added Support For Nette Utils (4.0.5) [+] Added official support for PHP8.2, 8.3 & 8.4 [+] Added main image alt and title tag options to collection SEO options [+] Added enclosure to RSS feeds for product images [+] Added support for Paypal Rest API [+] Added option to copy box on admin layout pages management page [+] Added option to copy page/admin page on admin layout pages management page [+] Added option to copy news on admin account news page [+] Added option to copy account on admin accounts page [+] Added option to copy collection on admin collections page [+] Added new theme error pages (400, 403, 404, 500 etc) [+] Added brand new internal comments system with import/export options and wysiwyg support [+] Added Support For Latte PHP Template Engine (3.0.20) [*] Updated Sortable JS plugin (1.15.3) [*] Updated Nette Tracy PHP debugging system (2.10.9) [*] Updated default supported formats to MP3 and OGG [*] Updated Square callback API Version (2024-12-18) [*] Updated preview window to show collection/cd previous cost if offers are enabled (only shown for tracks in previous versions) [*] Updated Square Payment API ( [*] Updated Stripe Payment API (16.5.0) [*] Updated Stripe callback API Version (2024-12-18.acacia) [*] Script docs updated, broken links updated or removed [*] Improvements to CSRF tokens [*] Updated Bootbox JS plugin (6.0) [*] Updated Trumbowyg WYSIWYG editor (2.27.3) [*] Updated PHPmailer Email Sending Library (6.9.3) [*] Updated min PHP version to v8.0 [*] Updated Mobile Detection Class (4.8.09) [*] Removed Paypal IPN system. [*] Removed all third party comments systems [*] Removed Twitter Api And All Related Features Including Twitter Cards Open Graph Tags [*] Removed Addthis Social Sharing Service Due To Service Termination [*] Removed Internal Caching System [*] Removed Savant3 PHP Template Engine [-] Fixed bug on add tracks page which caused the checkbox for clearing collection tracks to be checked if 'Select All' button was unchecked which resulted in previous collection tracks being erased by accident. [-] Fixed bug that cleared account shipping address if download only order was processed after order that required shipping. Address should remain regardless of order type. [-] Fixed bug preventing support form from processing if captcha was off [-] Fixed link to collection bug for styles [-] Fixed admin sales search to also search guest checkout names [-] Fixed Issue With Undefined Class Errors With Tracy Debugger [-] Fixed Bug Preventing Checkout Product Edit Link From Working If Seo Urls Were On Version 3.0 (20 Aug 2022): ----------------------------------- [+] Added admin CP cookie option to remember logins. Can be switched off in "admin/control/options.php". [+] Added admin batch mailer improvements. Full list of accounts now replaced with options. [+] Added CD purchase options to collection preview windows [+] Added option to enable/disable track purchases for collections [+] Added support for Square payment gateway ( [+] Added latest enabled collections to admin homescreen. Limit can be set in "admin/control/options.php" file. 0 to disable. [+] Added official support for PHP8.0* & PHP8.1* [+] Added wysiwyg editor in admin CP for page, collection and box formatting [+] Added basic captcha option for form protection. Previous questions/answer anti spam system for support page removed. [+] Added support for PHP mail function [+] Added option to add custom admin pages. Useful for backend information in a secure area for yourself or clients [+] Added year switcher for admin dashboard graph to see stats for selected years [+] Added official support for PHP7.4* [+] Added soundmanager 360 degree player for frontend collection pages. Introduces track seek and time/play duration [+] Added support for Maian Affiliate for affiliate commissions. [+] Added new option. Music labels. Optional, can be added in CP. Useful if you want to attach collections to record labels. [+] Added option to hide tracks already in collections on add tracks screen. Useful to see which tracks have not yet been added to collection. [+] Added new feature, account news. You can now post news into the account areas. Useful for info and promotions. [*] Admin search updated to locate sales by email address and guest checkout name/email address [*] On the checkout screen the tax window now shows tangible/digital or both depending on calculation [*] In Admin CP shipping options can now be ordered [*] Updated Mobile Detection Class (2.8.39) [*] In admin CP, if default gateway is deleted, next active gateway is auto assigned as default [*] Updated GetID3 media parsing plugin to latest stable release (1.9.21) [*] Updated gateway docs with better instructions and example images [*] Update for cart routines. If all tracks are added from collection, collection is added instead of selected tracks. Optional, can be switched off in "control/options.php" file. [*] Updated Codebird Twitter library (4.0) [*] Moss export renamed to Per Tax Export in admin CP [*] Admin CP breadcrumbs are now on by default. They can be turned off in "admin/control/options.php". [*] Added Nette Tracy PHP debugging system for better error reporting and exception handling (2.9.3) [*] In admin CP you can now re-order the main off canvas menu. Options you don"t need can also be hidden. [*] Updated upgrade routines to auto switch system off during upgrade. [*] Updated jQuery javascript library (3.6.0) [*] Import, export and music download routines now use the system temporary folder. This is auto cleared by the garbage collector and is used for better performance. [*] Security enhancement. Backup folder path must explicitly be set in admin CP now for security. [*] Updated Bootstrap library (3.4.1) [*] Updated PHPMailer email sending library (6.6.3) [*] Updated Stripe payment gateway API library (7.128.0) [*] Removed back/forward options for checkout screen [*] Removed support for payment gateway: JamboPay [*] Removed support for payment gateway: PayVector [*] Removed support for payment gateway: PayTrail [*] Removed support for payment gateway: CCNow [*] Removed support for payment gateway: IcePay [*] Removed support for payment gateway: [*] Removed support for payment gateway: CardStream [*] Removed support for payment gateway: WorldPay [*] Removed support for payment gateway: SagePay [*] Removed support for payment gateway: Skrill [*] Removed support for payment gateway: 2Checkout [*] MOSS (Mini One Stop Shop) references removed. Maian Music no longer promoted to support MOSS due to the UK leaving the EU. [*] MaxMind anti fraud system removed. This caused too many problems and was generally not reliable. [*] Removed Google+ meta tags due to closure of social network [*] Removed support for payment gateway: SecureTrading [-] Fixed fatal error when searching by account for sales export in admin CP [-] Fixed issue where sales approved could have expired download links if approved too late. [-] Fixed issue where sub styles didn"t delete if parent was removed. [-] Fixed incorrect "Collection deletion" confirmation message when deleting styles [-] Fixed invalid constant reference in error class [-] Fixed total on admin dashboard which didn"t take into account sales that hadn"t been approved, resulting in incorrect sum. Version 2.9 (04 Oct 2019): ----------------------------------- [+] Child (sub) styles of parents now display on parent page [+] Added support for TheTeller API payment gateway. For transactions in Ghana. [*] Update font awesome free vector library (5.11.2) [*] jQuery library updated (3.4.1) [*] Updated PHPMailer email sending library (6.1.1) [*] Minimum PHP version required to run Maian Music is now 5.6 or higher [*] Updated Stripe payment gateway API library (7.3.0) [*] Removed support for CharityClear payment gateway, which is now LibertyPay. Support for LibertyPay me be added later. [*] Removed support for CardSave payment gateway, which is now WorldPay [*] Removed support for Payza payment gateway, due to their court order. See [-] Fixed search and preview bugs when a custom landing page was set causing both to fail [-] Fixed Maxmind loader which got broke in a previous version [-] Fixed search error if search term contained at least one skipword Version 2.8 (07 Jul 2019): ----------------------------------- [*] Updated Stripe payment gateway API (6.40.0) to support SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) [*] Updated PHPMailer email sending library (6.0.7) [-] Fixed bug preventing order page from loading when search engine friendly urls were off [-] Fixed issue with shipping zones disappearing when updated [-] Fixed incorrect buyer email for guest checkout. Email should contain download page link. [-] Fixed drag / drop issue with styles when music store had large number of styles Version 2.7 (27 Nov 2018): ----------------------------------- [*] Updated slug columns in database to accept more characters and prevent database errors on some servers [*] Updated Stripe API library (6.22.1) [-] Fixed menu issue where count sometimes showed incorrect amount of collections in style [-] Fixed onclick button issue causing buttons to not work as expected in some browsers [-] Fixed issue where related product selections were not saving for collections Version 2.6 (11 Sep 2018): ----------------------------------- [+] Added better error handling for Stripe gateway via try/catch block [*] Updated PHPMailer email sending library (6.0.5) [*] Updated Stripe API library (6.1.6) [-] Fixed bug where track cost wasn`t passed to gateway if at least one entry existed in the offers table [-] Fixed bug where country of residence didn`t save when adding account via admin CP Version 2.5 (06 Apr 2018): ----------------------------------- [+] Added support for Stripe payment gateway [+] Added wav support by default. By default supports mp3, mp4 and wav. [+] Added new one click search option to search collections, tracks, accounts and sales [+] Added guest checkout system to cart routines [+] Added support for PHP7.2* [+] Added contact form for support enquiries [+] Added support for PHP mail function [+] Added seo options to music styles. Alternative browser title, meta description and meta keywords. [+] Added batch delete options to all admin list screens [+] Added option to approve sales before downloads can be accessed. Helps prevent fraud. [+] Added PDF support for additional cover art [+] Added option to build collection search tags from track titles [*] Updated Paypal IPN callback to use new endpoints and verify SSL [*] Maxmind GeoLite database updated to GeoLite2 due to the forthcoming discontinuation of GeoLite [*] Updated Iridium Corporation payment gateway to Pay Vector [*] Password storage updated to use PHP`s password bcrypt API. All passwords must be reset. [*] Brand new frontend interface with better performance on small screens [*] Updated GetIDE3 PHP media parser system (1.9.15) [*] Updated social links to be easily added / removed in admin CP [*] In admin CP, mail settings, maxmind settings and social settings moved to separate screens [*] Twitter bootstrap library updated (3.3.7) [*] Font awesome library updated (5.0.9) [*] Updated PHPMailer email sending library (6.0.3) [*] PHP min version required now 5.5 or higher. Older version support removed. [*] jQuery library updated (3.3.1) [*] Brand new admin interface with better performance on small screens [*] Updated store search to also search tracks. This is optional and can be deactivated. [*] Removed support for Realex Payments payment gateway [*] Removed support for Global Iris payment gateway [*] Removed support for Fetch payment gateway [*] Removed support for eWay payment gateway [*] Removed support for Beanstream (now Bambora) payment gateway [*] Removed support for Paypoint (now Pay360) payment gateway [-] Fixed bug related to offers and tracks when offer tracks were added to basket [-] Fixed string operator fatal errors for export routines [-] Fixed bug preventing admin IP restriction from working if set Version 2.4 (05 Jun 2017): ----------------------------------- [+] Added support for PHP7.1 [*] Updated PHPMailer email sending library (5.2.23) Version 2.3 (10 Jun 2016): ----------------------------------- [+] Added support for PHP7 [-] Fixed bug preventing JamboPay (Tanzania) from updating order after payment [-] Fixed database backup issue when database name was in uppercase characters [-] Fixed issue with Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus and Czech Republic having incorrect country codes Version 2.2 (27 Feb 2016): ----------------------------------- [*] Improved track add screen so that existing tracks in collection are clearly defined and cannot accidentally be re-added by mistake [-] Fixed issue with pagination in store if search engine friendly urls were enabled [-] Fixed bug related to full album purchases [-] Fixed url issue which caused error in header template and urls to be wrong. Broke in 2.1. [-] Fixed bug causing auto account activation after sale to fail in some cases [-] Fixed collection bug that caused some track downloads to fail. [-] Fixed bug that could make a style a sub style of itself and disappear from the style list screen [-] Fixed incorrect path for mail debug log Version 2.1 (19 Nov 2015): ----------------------------------- [+] Added moss CSV export to admin control panel. Located via sales menu [*] Updated payment gateways to be disabled by default on install. Except Paypal [-] Fixed bug that caused spaces to appear when summing tracks on admin collection page [-] Fixed bug where changing MP3 or CD text to something else, broke the cart routines [-] On admin backup page, last updated date was showing incorrectly as creation date [-] Account is now auto activated after a sale, instead of only via the verification email [-] Fixed issue related to track counts when collection was set to load directly from style Version 2.0 (14 Oct 2015): ----------------------------------- [+] Added path check screen in admin cp to check mp3 files and cover art exist [+] Added contact form. Can load from any custom page. [+] Added terms and conditions option on checkout. Can be enabled / disabled via admin cp. [+] Added revenue overview screen in admin control panel [+] Added support for MOSS ruling. Digital and tangible tax can be set differently per country [+] Added import/export routines for tracks and collections [+] Added support for twitter rest api. Post tweets directly from admin control panel. [+] Added option to link single style directly to collection. [+] Added white label license. Market and sell the product as your own. [+] Added option to restrict downloads to a minimum number of IP addresses [+] Added option to restrict downloads to original purchase IP [+] Added stats screen with sales and revenue overviews [+] Added support for Maxminds GeoIP database for IP detection [+] Added option for minimum purchase amount [+] Added gift coupons option [+] Added license agreement email option with personalisation. If enabled is sent after purchase [+] Added support for social networking and sharing buttons [+] Added many SEO improvements including custom url slugs, alternative browser titles etc [+] Added option to sell physical CDs [+] Added support for pushover API. Receive sale notifications on your tablets and mobile devices. [+] Added page management system to easily add new pages [+] Added basic tax options [+] Added option to specify start invoice number [+] Added accounts system so visitors can view downloads/purchase history [+] Added basic shippingzones for physical CD shipment [+] Added export option to export buyers/emails to CSV [+] Added batch mail tool to send batch mail to buyers [+] Added sale clipboard function to easily add tracks/collections to new or existing sale [+] Added support for Sound Manager mp3 player [+] Added support for MP3 tag reading when adding tracks [+] Added support for social networking and sharing buttons [+] Added new discount system for special offers [+] Added better support for cover art. Easy to preview and select cover art for collections. [+] Added database backup option [+] Added support for many more payment gateways [+] Added music styles/genres. Styles can be top level with sub styles. [+] Brand new HTML5 responsive system via Twitter Bootstrap [+] Added support for Disqus comments system [*] Improved mp3 and preview file handling. Now easier to add content [*] Track ordering now utilises drag and drop [*] Download expiry restrictions changed to mins,hours and/or days rather than click counts [*] Music files now grouped into collections rather than albums [*] Removed packs and presets [*] Dropped artist and category filters Version 1.3 (13 Jun 2009): ----------------------------------- [+] Added filter by artist option for stats [+] Added keyword/keyword phrase tags for albums [+] Added option to filter by artist on music page [+] Added MySQL FULLTEXT searching [+] Added meta description for albums [+] Added export sales options [+] Added packs & presets [*] Premium beat flash player removed and replaced with open source flash player. [*] Various coding enhancements/updates/fixes [*] Changed path structure [*] Updated graph class to latest version [*] Updated PHP mailer system [*] Updated captcha code [*] Updated checkout to be more streamlined [*] New interface Version 1.2 (11 Jul 2008): ----------------------------------- [+] Adapted for Joomla by Alao Arelowo ( [+] Added discount option for album purchase [+] Added sub categories for albums [*] Updated captcha code Version 1.1 (15 Feb 2008): ----------------------------------- [*] Removed Coffee Cup jukebox player and added Premium Beat free flash player for single track previews. Version 1.0 (06 Oct 2007): ----------------------------------- [+] Version 1.0 Released